Library Loot: March 12th, 2011

badge-4Library Loot Event is a weekly event hosted by Marg at The Adventures of a Intrepid Reader and Claire from The Captive Reader. This weekly event encourages bloggers to share the books they have checked out from the library. I always find many new books to add to my reserve list!

If you’d like to participate, just write up your post-feel free to steal the button-and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries!

Marg has Mr Linky this week

This last week I finished the following books:
I Am Not A Serial Killer by Dan Wells (my review)
Garden of Eden – Chris Bohjalian (my review)
Mothers and Other Liars by Amy Bourret (my review)

This week only a couple of books found there way home with me from the public library. I just read that they are going to be doing some updating to our local library. Hoping this will be a good thing!

My Library Loot for this week:

7944988 hungry-for-happiness-james-villas-paperback-cover-art whistling

What did you find at the library this week???? Stop by and share your Library Loot !! Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!!

Happy Reading!






  1. Marg Avatar

    I love all the covers on those!

    Enjoy your loot!

  2. samantha.1020 Avatar

    I hadn't heard of any of these but agree with Marg that the the covers are great! And they look like something that I would be interested in reading so I'll have to check them out. Enjoy!

  3. Jen C Avatar

    Honestly, two of the books I only grabbed due to their covers. They caught me eye as well. The book Whistling in the Dark is my book club selection for the month.

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