It’s Monday! What Are you Reading? – May 29th

Reading-on-MondayIt’s Monday! What Are you Reading? is hosted by Shelia of Book Journey. It is a chance to share what you have read and what you plan on reading in the upcoming week. I enjoy seeing what everyone’s reading plans for the week. I always find some titles that I just *had to add to my TBR list.

  • Last week looked like this for me:

Finished the book:  A Secret Kept by Tatiana de Rosnay for May’s meeting of my book group, Books & Babble (audio format)

Started Night Road by Kristin Hannah and am almost finished with it. I am listening to the audiobook so I think I will get it finished tomorrow while I am planting my garden. (audio format)

Posted Reviews for the following books:

Participated in the following blog events:

My Plans for this Week:


The Pioneer Woman: Black Heels to Tractor Wheels by Ree Drummond. The Pioneer Woman has been a part of our family conversations for years! I have been a long time follower of her blog, long before she started writing books.   Very excited to start this book!
Come Sunday by Isla Morley is my random selection from my TBR list on  (audio format)

Next Up??


The Cross Gardner by Jason F. Wright
(Book Group Selection – June 13th)


Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot
(Book Group Selection – June 23rd) (audio format)

Island of Lost Girls – Jennifer McMahon – next selection from my TBR list on

This is my reading plan for the week. What are your reading plans???? Join in with Shelia at Book Journey and share what you reading plans are for the week!

Happy Reading!!






  1. Sheila (Bookjourney) Avatar

    How is the Night Road by Kristin Hannah on audio> I am always looking for good audio!

  2. Jennifer Avatar

    I recently read Island of Lost Girls and look forward to your review. Enjoy your books and your week. My Monday:

  3. pussreboots Avatar

    Great list of books. This coming week is my last week off before summer session. I have a few books I want to finish before school begins. Come see what they are.

  4. Jen C Avatar

    Shelia – so far I am liking Night Road -the story line a bit predictable and feels a little YA like. But is a nice light read to enjoy.

  5. Anonymous Avatar

    I'm new to your blog and I like it so I'm now following (as Judith H).

    I'm envious about Henrietta Lacks! I want to read that too. 🙂

    Have a good week. Greetings from the Netherlands.

  6. Kathy Martin Avatar

    I hope you have a great reading week. Lots of the books on your stack sound really interesting. My Monday Report is here. Have a great week!

  7. Laurel-Rain Snow Avatar

    I loved Night Road, Sing You Home, and Come Sunday. All fascinating! The others look intriguing, too. Enjoy!


  8. Unknown Avatar

    The themes discussed in Sing You Home sounds interesting though I'm not sure if this is the one I'd want to pick up for my first Jodi Picoult read.

  9. Carol Avatar

    New to your blog.

    Enjoy your reading week.

    am now following you


  10. Cinnamon owl Avatar

    I will be interested to read your review of A Secret Kept, I just finished it myself!

  11. Paul Avatar

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

    New Follower.

    You have some really good looking books, I really want to read Island of Lost Girls.

    Here's my Monday.

  12. Bonnie Avatar

    Your list looks fantastic! Sing You Home is on my TBR list and Come Sunday looks like a really interesting read. I'm looking forward to reading your reviews! Have a great week and happy reading!

  13. The1stdaughter Avatar

    Oh, you gotta love Ree Drummond! I've had that one on my list for a while. And I'm interested to see what you thought of Night Road, I have a copy and haven't dug into it yet.

    Hope you have a fabulous reading week and thanks so much for stopping by earlier!

  14. Unknown Avatar

    I have Night Road but haven't gotten to it yet, hoping to read it soon. Sounds like a great week lined up 🙂

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