It’s Monday! What Are you Reading?? – October 17th


It’s Monday! What Are you Reading? is hosted by Shelia of Book Journey. It is a chance to share what you have read and what you plan on reading in the upcoming week. I enjoy seeing what everyone’s reading plans for the week. I always find some titles that I just *had to add to my TBR list.

Last week looked like this for me:

Finished the Book: The Stormchasers – Jenna Blum (audio)

Started the book: Mennonite in a Little Black Dress – Rhoda Janzen

Life has been crazy and reading has been on the back burning for the last couple of months.   I am hoping to find a lot more time to read in the upcoming months.   We have had a lot going on with family and moving my Father in Law into our home with us.   Though I don’t think I ever finish a book in September with all the start of the school activities going on anyways.   I hate to say it but I am almost looking forward to the MN winter so I can curl up inside and read while the snow flies.     

Posted Reviews for the following books:

None posted, but I did post about the 2011 Twin Cities Book Festival

My Plans for this week:


That Day In September by Artie Van Why -  I have only a few pages left to finish this book.  I was requested by the author to read and review this book. 

Mennonite-in-a-Little-Black-Dress-9780805092257 Mennonite in a Little Black Dress by Rhoda Janzen.   This is the book selection for November for my book group, “Books & Babble”.

I am really looking forward to reading this book.  I have experience with the Hutterite community so this will bring back memories I am sure.

empire Empire Falls by Richard Russo is currently loading on my Zune and I have just started to listen to it.  Reading simply because it was on my Zune after I finished my last audio! 
cover-nightstrangers The Night Strangers by Chris Bohjalian – this book was mentioned as a good read for October so I downloaded it from  
I have not read scary books in a long time.  I seem to be more effected by them as an adult than when I was a teen.  
Miss-Peregrines-Home-for-Peculiar-Children Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children  by Ransom Riggs is also downloaded from Audible waiting for me!   The cover and title of this book totally creep me out.   Can I handle two creepy books in one month???
redbird A Redbird Christmas by Fannie Flagg is the November selection for my book group, “Wine, Women and Words”.  Should be a nice book after reading Scary Book for October. 

These are my reading plans for the week. What are you reading plans for the week??? Join in with Shelia at Book Journey and share your reading plans for the week!!

Happy Reading!!






  1. ShadowsTomes Avatar

    I really loved Miss Peregrines! It was just the right amount of weird for me! I hope you like it! 🙂 Happy Reading this week!

  2. dollycas aka Lori Avatar

    I want to read all of these!!

    I spent last week rebooting my blog on WordPress. I hope you will stop by and let me know what you think.


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