Category: Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon to a Bookshelf Near You: February 2016

    We are enjoying a snow day here in White Bear Lake.   What better time to share some books that have caught my eye.   These books will be available in February.  Maybe even get on the waitlist at the library for these upcoming titles. As a book blogger, I am able to request, read and provide feedback on…

  • Coming Soon to a Bookshelf Near You: August Edition

    I hoped to blog to you from the deck, but the heat got to me and I had to retreat into the house.   It has now rained and hopefully cooled down a bit, so hopefully my evening will be spent reading on the deck. As a book blogger, I am able to request, read and…

  • Coming Soon to a Bookshelf Near You: June/July Edition

    I am blogging to you from our deck, affectionately referred to as our “Cabin Up North”.   It is a beautiful day in White Bear Lake today.   The sun is shining, classical music is playing on the outdoor sound system, birds chirping, hubby is mowing the lawn and baby puppy is curled up on the chair…